Piercing con cepillo de dientes
Después de comer aumenta el PH de la boca, incrementando el riesgo de caries y...
Olvidate de chicles y chorradas, nada mejor que este piercing-cepillo de dientes. Fue diseñado por Moloudi Hadji, una estudiante muy maja del ECAL suizo, fabricado con plástico y cerdas de nylon ¿y la pasta de dientes?
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5 Comentarios: Publicar un comentario
Anónimo (21/10/06 18:23)
Ya no saben lo que van a inventar... xdddd
Anónimo (21/10/06 18:23)
hello, I am Moloudi Hadji.
I found out by surfing around on the net that my piercing had it's little succes. Very flattering! Although there is one thing that kind of bothers me... my name is spelt wrong on most of the sites. it's Moloudi and not Mouloudi. And surprise, I am a girl!!!
Anónimo (21/10/06 18:24)
Hi Moloudi, sorry about your name, I copied it from another web. I'll correct it in the post tomorrow (i'm gonna sleep now). Ah, your piercing is so original, I like it ;)
Anónimo (21/10/06 18:24)
thank you very much! I know... my school spelt it wrong... annoying!
By the way, I designed a toothpaste tube containing disinfectant that comes along with the piercing. There is also a ring in the same spirit with it's dental floss!
Anónimo (21/10/06 18:25)
Ok, it's changed (sorry if you don't understand something, I'm forgetting the english I knew, because I never practise it). I would like to see your others designs.
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